How soon can I receive another Payday loan?

For Payday loans $50 – $200:

  • If you come in within the period of time allowed and pay off your Payday loan, you are able to apply for the same amount or a lesser amount if you paid by cash or your check has cleared. You must be in before 7:30 PM Monday thru Friday, 4:30 PM on Saturday, and 1:30 PM on Sunday to pick up your check and or re-write your Payday loan.

For Payday loans $225 – $445:

  • If you come in within the period of time allowed and pay off your Payday loan, we require you to wait an additional day to re-write for the same amount if you paid by cash or your check has cleared. There is an Iowa law stating that you cannot exceed $500.00 in one day, picking up and re-writing for an loan, so qualifying for these amounts fall under this law.